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Please take a moment to read my collection of poetry. These creations span 35 years of writing - and have varying views and approaches to life. Some to poke fun at life, some to give us food for thought, and some to offer a different perspective on life.
Words are but confetti
Sprinkled on pages
Bringing the Wisdom
Of the Ancient Sages.

Our Souls Sing
Our Souls Sing
In harmonious Accord
My one love
For whom my tears have poured.
My hearts home
After journey's traveled Far
My Dear One
​You are my shining star.
(c) Karie Rohrlach

Scribed Masterpiece
The poet’s quill scribes a vision of the debutante
as she rests amongst the bluebells
Scattered like jewels over the meadow.
The delicate voice of the robins
Echo through the valley,
Where the gentleman tells of his ardor
As they shelter amongst the weeping willows.
Curls tumble from the confines of her hat,
Parasol tilting to hide girlish blushes,
Careless of her silk skirts
they are crushed, lying as broken rose petals.
She glows with the joy of an un-chaperoned picnic
Scent of cinnamon scrolls tempt her senses,
as her beau offers cider to moisten their suddenly dry throats.
Dapper in his impeccable finery,
Coat tails trailing, crisply starched shirt points lifting his chin,
Top hat tilted at a rakish angle.
Dark eye’s glinting with the thrill of his endeavors.
Sunshine silhouettes the glory of the lovers,
whom the poet has sewn together
as an artist creates a masterpiece.
Each syllable as a brushstroke on canvas.
A Monet made not of oil and brushes,
But ink and parchment.
Every word scribed by the care of the poet,
Transformed within the mind of the reader
(c) Karie Rohrlach (2016)

*Throw Back to Harry Potter*
Each thoughtful pondering
Sliver like descends in inked threads
Removed from within the whirlpool of my mind
To become a living, breathing substance.
Many just cluttered mumblings
Extracted to clear the thoughts and reasoning’s
Of the eccentric soul
Pencieve, I pity you
For now you bear the clutter
That enables poetic inspiration
To bring forth its fruits
Penceive I thank you
For without such as you
True confusion reigns
(c) Karie Rohrlach

The Dance of the Phoenix
​The flames burned away the old
The grief, despair and loneliness,
limiting beliefs, unworthiness,
the 'cant's, won't, and 'buts' burned to ashes
The old life cindered
those deeply treasured things released
to fly free and soar in their own right
The flames burned brightly
leaving nothing untouched
on their journey into the depths of hell.
Burning all...
....nothing left but a desolate pile of ashes
then in the stillness.....
... a single flame sparks to life
then another, and another
bursting forth from the ashes
Golden feathers of new birth
taking flight and bursting forth with new beginnings
The Phoenix has arisen
New life and potential gaining force
with every flap of its glorious wings
The ashes now gone, and the old and painful with them.
Now lies a blank canvas
waiting for the first brush stroke,
the first glimpse of penmanship
to write the new life.
A life that honors us
A life that befits us
A life that is limitless in its possibilities
as are we..
.. when we dance
The Dance of the Phoenix.
(c) Karie Rohrlach (2016)

So This is Love
​So this is love....
Bone crushing
Soul enlightening love.
It's roots deep within
The bedrock of our existence
Unchanged by time, distance
or circumstances
It asks for nothing
It needs nothing to exist
No heartbreak
or loss can destroy it
No purging of old wounds
will tarnish it
But rather purifies.
That fickle demanding obsessive love
That controlled love
Love that demands loss of freedom or identity
That seeks to change or place conditions
That is not love
If it is, then to call this love is to insult it
The purity of this love knows no bounds
It's depths no limits
It's duration defies space and time
Life or death
This love is a rare and cherished thing
Not met before in this lifetime
In it's purity it lies safe
Asking or needing nothing for it's survival
It just is
Ever growing
Soul love
(c) Karie Rohrlach

The Red Shoes
Those red stiletto’s
How they turned the gentleman’s head
Made him mad with wonder
Intriguing him, drawing him
Leading him into that passion of a lifetime
Now tossed aside,
dirty in the corner
Forgotten in their glory
The old lady too sat in the corner
Her glory forgotten
Once a high flyer
successful by mans standards
Her weathered face was soft
Fragile as rice paper
Her eyes stared into the distance
Remembering another time.
A time where the world was full of hope
Wonder and excitement
Challenge and success.
A world of love, and laughter
Children, and young handsome men.
Some accused her of living in the past
But that was all she had
For her future was bleak
and nearly finished.
How foolishly we treat the elderly
As the red shoes, tossed aside
Forgotten the time when they sparkled and shined.
Once respected, listened too
Admire for beauty and brains
Now mocked
As an old waste of space
Forgetting the achievements
We too will grow old
And all our hard work and successes
Those costly prices paid
Will be forgotten
As the red shoes
Scuffed, worn, and remembering.
Their value no less
For having lived their life.
(c) Karie Rohrlach

Soul Connections
It’s not the instant spark,
Or swooning on the floor.
The drowning in those eyes
Or heady need for more.
It’s a comprehensive knowing,
Recognition from the past.
Some prior life experience,
When Eons ago this moment’s cast.
A sacred contract manifested,
By universal love.
The haste to fill our purpose,
Merged with something from above.
The oneness of creation
In common souls were found.
When connected with divine purpose,
Together, we abound.
And in that spark of knowing,
Our awareness is complete.
And our universal purpose,
Is fulfilled when two souls meet.
(c) Karie Rohrlach

The Hat
The hat shaded her eyes,
shielding the flirtatious sparkle
that livened her face.
It was a wide brimmed ensemble.
Black with a large pink bow.
It’s crown flat and tilted at a rakish angle.
It suggested a chick fun personality!
The eyes peeped
from beneath
with mischief and fun.
Flirting with danger
and stalling many an unwary passerby.
Leaving them heart broken
as the hat tilted again
to present a demure face,
hiding that spark of liveliness.
Oh how she used it to perfection,
taunting all those
who would succumb.
She played the game so well.
And why not?
This moment of freedom
would be short lived.
Soon she must return
to that secluded home of the sick and ailing.
The hat was her taste of freedom.
To use as she wills,
to enjoy what she can.
To forget –
just for a moment –
the pain of her illness.
(c) Karie Rohrlach

Loves Tsunami
Reality is drowned beneath the waves.
The bubbling crescendo
Sounding forth its mockery
At my resistance.
Anguished cries are muted
By the vast liquid’s gossamer grasp.
Each arching crest curves around my soul
Cocoon like it entraps me.
Explosive waves roar their obsession.
Each powerful white tipped crest
Rolls with the joy of loves persistent tattoo.
White water propels me heedless
Towards destiny’s ocean
Its power rushes through my veins.
Tossing me over the edge of reason
The Tsunami consumes me in its passion.
Heart pounding within my rapturous journey
The water falls away into distant oblivion.
Suddenly I am thrust free of its tenuous hold
Its vehemence crashing me against the scarred shore.
There the marks of our passing remain a constant reminder
Cherished scars to be carried on love’s momentous tide
Like a Tsunami come to claim the soul,
Love seeks my full surrender.
(c) Karie Rohrlach

The Surface Rippled
The surface rippled
Winds breath blow in mesmerizing waves
Alive with a mind of its own
Each fluid crest
Curves, arches, froths
Into a Kaleidoscope of movement
Its white frothy plumes lapping the surface
Tenderly caressing the golden sand
Stroking with love
Changing with its touch
The moist spray wafts over the rocks
Moistening with its presence
Spurting upwards against each resistance
Woman-like it moves with a mind of its own
Unpredictable, beautiful, miraculous
Its aqua marine depths reflecting light and color
Each different shade accented
By the white tip of its wind blown surface
Untold stories of its endless travels lie
Buried within the sand tossed particles of the ocean floor
This living, breathing, creature
Who can understand its ways?
(c) Karie Rohrlach (2014)

The Pub from Avonlea
Said the Codger in the corner
Of the pub at Avonlea
“There’s a missus, who I’d kisses
If she’d sit upon me knee”.
“But I’m eighty, like me matey
And I’m too inclined to pee.
So I’ll leave her to another
And keep my faithful Tennessee!”
Said the barman to the Codger
“Well you see here my old friend!
You’ve been sitting in the corner
Since ya leg would no more bend”.
“You’ve been drinkin all me whisky
Yep your love from Tennessee!
Don’t ya know ya have a misses
And she’s looking out for ye.”
Said the Codger to the barman
“Mate now you just let me be
I’ve paid ya all good money
For me love from Tennessee!”.
“And me misses whom I kisses
Who is waiting home for me
Is all weathered, worn and weary
And she naggeth poor old me.”
Said the lady at the counter
Who’d not sit upon his knee.
“Mister if you loved and kissed her
She’d no longer naggeth ye!”
Said the Codger to the lady
“Well Ok! Now let me see
I’d go home to see me misses
But will not leave my Tennessee!”
(c) Karie Rohrlach (2007)

Country Pub
*Tribute to the Wheatsheaf Hotel
North Shields Black Tuesday*
It’s nestled in the hollow
That building made of stone
Twas worn around the edges
Many patrons has it known
It has withstood the ages
The times of war and peace
The battles of the neighbors
Mans endeavors for a piece.
It’s seen marriage and divorces.
Affairs of heart, and all
Drunken sailors, well dressed tailors
The harlot, and the fool.
It’s been home for the unlucky
A refuge for the saint
Sporn of Satan for the missus
A place of God they’re sure it aint.
Its been full of warmth, and cheer
Full of smoke filled eyes and beer.
Full of communities fair bidding
Let’s fight the foe, that’s why we’re here.
It’s known of life’s past dramas
It’s known the past so dear.
It holds secrets best forgotten
Many a skeleton’s held here.
It’s known love of all fair patrons
They’re the friends it holds so dear.
It’s the reason for its existence.
The country pub that holds our beer.
(c) Karie Rohrlach

The Samurai Sword
The Samurai sword cuts
Through my soul
Each syllable marking a
Swathe through my heart.
Those words
Couched in wellbeing,
laced with malice.
You seek to heal your pain
By inflicting another.
For the loss.
Control of another your comfort.
Destroy my heart then oh wise one.
Try if you will,
But remember,
I know!
Your words may hurt but
I am strong
They will not destroy.
I have decreed it so!
Within this lies my strength.
I will not surrender
Nor flee
But fly.
Beware your weapon yielding
That you cut not your own soul
In two
(c) Karie Rohrlach (2008)

Oh Summer, where have you gone?
Oh summer where have you gone?
Blistery cold is un-banished
By your amorous flirtations
Rain and cold permeate my being
Causing me to ponder your fickle nature
Your face hidden in feminine fancy
Oh summer I am your true love
Withhold not your charms from me
With one smile
You can banish the gloom forever.
(c) Karie Rohrlach (2014)

The Web
The web entangles the creature.
Small and helpless
It remains stuck in its sticky cloak
Prodded and poked by his captor
Tormented until longing for release
Whether it be in death....
Or freedom
Knowing only that this is no way to live
And yet, live it will
Each day growing not weaker
But stronger
In its need for freedom....
Or escape.
Until one day
Those sticky threads will be broken
And the creature can fly free
And thrive.
Those shining threads will trail
like ribbons
Banners to the escape
Testament to the struggle
A forever reminder
Of the web.
(c) Karie Rohrlach (2008)

The Waxing
I know it must be done
I know it is no fun
My pride and courage fight
Silence broken by screams of fright!
Instructed by fashions plight
By beauty’s youthful might
I must be brave and strong
Or wear a spider long.
My personal space paraded
As by hot wax invaded
I wonder while baring lard
If out of date would be as hard
Need coffee hot and strong
Now at last all hair is gone
I fear at Thirty Four
How many years I’ll do this for.
I hope in my despair
At a hundred I’ll have no hair
Or in death my pains replaced
As the dump truck hides my face!
(c) Karie Rohrlach (2006)

The Rainbow
A rainbow is a beauteous thing,
Its wonder we behold!
And ponder if we’d ever find,
The elusive pot of gold.
If it were not for the sunshine,
And the clouds upon the sky.
There would not be such colours,
Such beauty by and by.
There would not be the promise,
That is in every stroke.
There would not be the wonder,
Of the mercy God bespoke.
And how often do we miss it?
The elusive rainbow not see?
And just keep travelling onwards,
That through the pot of gold we would be free.
But freedom comes from the beauty,
Of the sunshine and the clouds.
The journey that we travel,
The joy and troubles found.
They each compliment the other,
Would bring out our true colours see?
And create a beauty more wondrous,
Than any other you would see!
So friend as we would travel,
This journey of our life.
Lets remember the beauteous rainbow,
The promise of eternal life.
Lets know that through our troubles,
We would just require the rain.
And soon will come the sunshine,
To bring out our beauty again.
And through this wondrous beauty,
Others too perhaps may see
The gold is in the rainbow,
The end is where we be.
(c) Karie Rohrlach (2008)

She stood there, drink in hand
Moving her body seductively
Dancing the dance....
A smile, teased her red lips
He stood there, drink in hand
Cool, Stoic, Handsome
He observed the girl
And others.....
In the crowded bar.
They stood there, drink in hand
A laugh, a smile, a flirt
Each portraying the joy
The illusion
Each quietly desiring what others had
Not those there.........
But those home, with their fires
Their love, their friends, their life.
Alone, they danced the dance
Played the game,
Flirted away
in the crowded bar.
The solo pretenders
(c) Karie Rohrlach (2008)

Cream Cakes Make Good Weapons
I stayed up quite late that night,
On the 21st of May.
I’d just had my girlfriend over,
And we’d been playing in the hay.
It was about two in the morning,
When I heard this funny sound,
It sounded like the fence coming down,
Coming down, down, right to the ground.
I froze solid in my bed that night.
I was frozen with sheer fright.
I was listening, watching, and waiting alright.
But I’m a chicken in the night.
It was about an hour after,
The sound came to my ears.
When finally I got the courage,
To end my happy years.
So I crept then out of my bed.
As quiet as a mouse.
I was going to look around the place,
To see who was about my house.
But Alas, it was to no Avail,
For all that I could see,
The sail was missing from my boat.
Alas, it had to be me.
I cursed and cursed and cursed again.
But my courage did not fail.
If I had not been so cowardly.
I would not have lost my sail.
That was when I learnt my lesson,
To never listen, watch and wait.
You should get up, and go out there,
And ditch a nice cream cake.
(c) Karie Rohrlach (1986)

Winds breath blows,
Whistles through the coastal leaves.
Minute footprints in the sand
Of the scuttling creatures, near the seas.
Crashing surf swarms,
Remnants of the oceans life.
Grainy sand and salty weed
Mix with broken shells of strife
The birds screech,
As overhead they fly.
Sails flapping,
Their staccato goodbye.
Alone, the sailor sits and breathes,
The salty air of open seas.
Yet within
There’s more to hear.
The noise of life,
Of lessons near.
Instinct and more.
Atmospheric condition
soul voice,
destiny’s shore.
In silence,
We can hear sounds of seas,
But better yet,
Internal sounds that please.
Sounds of wisdom deep below,
Of advice given,
And things we know.
Personal growth,
Of destiny’s plan.
Goals and dreams,
Of a better man.
Gardens grown,
And children’s dreams.
Love and life,
Pleasures seen.
Do not dear sailor,
Blot out the noise.
Of sea and wind,
Or soul and void.
But Listen
To all that’s heard within.
That your journey may
Show which port to win
(c) Karie Rohrlach

A Friend, A Friend, What would that be
Someone who’s standing alongside me
One who would forgive and understand
The faults of every common man
A friend is someone we can love
Who’d share and care like him from above.
A friend we need not see each day
To know their thoughts aren’t far away
We need not chat for hours on end
To know that we have a true friend
But a true friend is there in thought
They’ll help us when we know not aught
They’ll lift us up when we are down
And when we’re up, they’ll jump around
A friend is fun, a friend is deep
A friend I always want to keep
A friend is one who knows we are
A friend to them, they are our star
That lights the dark, and lifts our soul
And helps us in our life’s long goal
So this my friend I long to be
A friend to you, and you my friend would be
To know that each day we would be there
For each other, to show we care
And know that two good friends would be
Just two people that care platonically
And know that even if they never spoke
They’d still be friends with that girl or bloke!
(c) Karie Rohrlach (2008)

Tasty morsel sinks beneath the depths
Lures with its sparkling promise of tender fruits,
No hint of its hidden ensnarement.
Large eyes ogle the morsel,
Owner biding his time to ensure the promised catch
Tasty sport to be found here today!
Got You!
No quick escape for you my tasty morsel!
The thoughts are echoed from above
As the eyes bulge in surprise.
Pain tears through the scaly flesh
Forgotten in a split second
when unrelenting pressure jerks upwards,
Pulling towards heavens waterless ocean of air.
Oh what snares have trapped me
in my endeavours for a free meal and entertainment?
What costly price paid for careless satisfaction?
With every powerful swish of my tail I resist,
But soon I am face to face with my captor.
His hungry eyes and fat tummy belie his need to feed.
Take heed the captor who would become captive
Take heed lest you become someone else’ sport.
(c) Karie Rohrlach (2012)

The Sailor
The sailor sat beside the sea
And pondered all that made him free
His past had gone as rapid storms
The calm, the waves, the lightning forms.
The ocean swell surrounds his boat,
Palms rise from nearby land
Surf crashes on the rugged rocks
Creatures scuttle through the sands
He listens to the sounds of sea
And to a still small voice
The soul voice of his journeys end
That warns of imminent choice.
Lessons learned along the way
Have taught our sailor friend
Of dreams and passions he must tend
Pathways to a wondrous end
Should we ignore that inner voice
instinctive tho it be
alone we journey in the rough
destinies glory never to see.
Listen, dear friend, listen
Listen to nature’s choice.
Our destiny unfolds before us
Listen to your inner voice.
(c) Karie Rohrlach

Rictameter Poem
Rapture haunts me
My sword lies un bloodied
Salacious gaze plunders my soul
Fires scorch in passions willing surrender
Oh scarred scoundrel of the high sea’s
I’ll have my cannon’s armed
When next you come
(c) Karie Rohrlach